拼音:suì piàn英文解釋:
fragment; patch; piece; rag; chip; debris; scrap; shatter; splinter【計】 junk shop
【醫】 chip; fragment; ramenta; Ras.; rasura; shreds
【經】 scrap
(1) ∶破片;小碎塊一塊塊的碎陶片和那些能夠修復好的碎片(2) ∶炮彈、手榴彈... >>查看“碎片”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 火山礫熔岩中凝固了的小碎片A small, solidified fragment of lava
- 破成碎片的;穿著破舊的或粗糙的衣服。worn to shreds; or wearing torn or ragged clothing.
- 努哈的左大腿被炮彈的碎片擊中,但她還是活了下來。Nuha was hit by a piece of shrapnel in her left thigh, but survived.
- 橋被炸成了碎片。The bridge was blown to bits by the explosion.
- 棉網上有孔洞或碎片。Holes or patches in Card Web.
- 對200AGeV~(32)S與核乳膠相互作用產生的靶核碎片的研究THE INVESTIGAFION OF TARGET FRAGMENTS FROM 200 A GeV ~(32)S+Em
- 我使用瑪雅的流效果來製作天空中爆炸以及到達飛彈碎片。I used maya fluid effect for sky explosion and missle trails.
- 她把花瓶掉在地上,摔成了碎片。She dropped the vase on the floor and it broke into fragments.