拼音:suì kuài英文解釋:
shiver【建】 chop
- 坦克給烈性炸藥炸成碎塊了。The tanks were blown to pieces by high explosives.
- 切碎,剁碎切成或跺成極小的碎塊To cut or chop into very small pieces.
- 用金屬碎塊製成藝術品Build scraps of metal into a work of art
- 他把舊家具砍成碎塊當柴賣了。She broke the old furniture up and sold the wood.
- 請商店裡的那個人幫你把肉切成碎塊。Ask the man in the shop to carve the meat up for you.
- 肢體的割除;被切割成碎塊。the removal of limbs; being cut to pieces.