拼音:suí hé de 英文解釋:
amiable; easy-going; obliging相關詞條:
facile 2.
accommodative 漢語造句:
- 她隨和的個性使她能與任何人相處。
Her facile nature adapted itself to any company.
- 我沒有發過脾氣,我的朋友們很讚賞我隨和的性格。
Never. My friends appreciate my easy-going nature very much.
- 他是一個隨和的人,但就是喜歡自吹自擂。
He is an agreeable fellow, but likes to blow his own horn.
- 輕鬆的生活方式;隨和的人格
A low-pressure lifestyle; a low-pressure personality
- 我是一個比較隨和的人,具有好的價值觀。
I am a relatively an easy going man with good values
- 我是個很隨和的人,帶點藝術的敏感。
I am an easygoing man with kind of artistic sensitivity.