字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>碎玻璃的英文翻譯


拼音:suì bō lí


【建】 cullet


  1. 小鮑勃的一隻手被碎玻璃割破了。
    Little Bob cut his hand on the broken glass.
  2. 爆炸後很久, 碎玻璃片還一個勁地往下落。
    Pieces of broken glass were still raining down long after it exploded.
  3. 小心碎玻璃
    Be careful of the broken glass.
  4. 小心別踩碎玻璃上!
    Mind you do not step on the break glass!
  5. 湯姆把碎玻璃掃乾淨,沒說一句責備兒子的話。
    Tom sweep up the break glass without a word of reproof to his son
  6. 我來把碎玻璃掃掉, 以免有人踩到。
    Let me clean up the broken glass before someone walks on it.
  7. 遇到緊急情況時,擊碎玻璃罩並摁下按鈕。
    In the case of emergency ,break the glazing then press the button.
  8. 我對打碎玻璃窗負全部責任。
    I take full responsibility for breaking the window.
