拼音:suān tòng英文解釋:
ache【醫】 aching pain
(1).悲痛。 晉 袁宏 《後漢紀·光武帝紀六》:“城中老母嬰兒,口以萬數,... >>查看“酸痛”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 我的腿因為昨天跑步而感到酸痛。My legs are sore from all that running yesterday.
- 我的肌肉由於打保齡球而酸痛。My muscles are sore from bowling.
- 揉弄酸痛的小腿肌肉Kneading a painful calf muscle
- 我兩手兩腳都很酸痛。Both my hands and feet ache.
- 緩解各種肌肉酸痛及肌肉痙攣。Alleviate various muscles to ache and muscle spasm.
- 她用拳頭捶打酸痛的腿。She beat on her aching leg with her fist.