拼音:sōu shēn英文解釋:
search the person【法】 frisk
指搜查人身與會者都要受搜身檢查 >>查看“搜身”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 警察向他搜身,以確定有無隱藏武器。The policeman frisked him for hidden weapons.
- 每個人都經過搜身才登上飛機。Everyone was frisked before getting on the plane.
- 每個人都經過搜身才登上飛機.Everyone was frisked before getting on the plane.
- 你是想在我離開之前對我進行安全搜身嗎?You might want to have security frisk me before I leave.
- 搜身檢查subject a person to a search; search a person
- 對嫌疑犯進行搜身rub down a suspect; go over a suspect