拼音:sōng shǔ英文解釋:
squirrel【醫】 ground squirrel
哺乳動物的一屬。外形略像鼠,尾巴蓬鬆而特別長大,生活在松林中。 宋 林逋 《湖... >>查看“松鼠”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 一隻活潑的松鼠a perky squirrel
- 一隻灰色的松鼠在樹枝間跳來跳去。A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb.
- 一隻灰色的松鼠在樹枝間跳來跳去。A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb
- 松鼠以堅果為食。Squirrels feed on nuts.
- 松鼠是一種可愛的小動物。The squirrel is a lovely small animal
- 閒適始於一隻松鼠。Leisure started from a squirrel
- 黃柳樹上的透明的燕子跟慢吞吞的松鼠打招呼。Hollow swallow in the yellow willow said hello to slow squirrel.
- 兔子和松鼠是森林中毛茸茸的小生靈Rabbits and squirrels are the furry, little people of the woods.