拼音:sōng sàn dì英文解釋:
- 我喜歡四肢全伸開鬆散地躺在大床上。I like to sprawl out in a big bed
- 鬆散地垂掛To hang loosely.
- 用布輕鬆地覆蓋或鬆散地穿衣。cover or dress loosely with cloth.
- 耷拉鬆散地掛或使鬆散地掛;耷拉To hang or let hang loosely; droop.
- 暗綠色的長葉鬆散地包卷在拉長的頭部的萵苣。lettuce with long dark-green leaves in a loosely packed elongated head
- 信號旗鬆散地從桅桿上垂下來A pennant lolling from the mast
- 我喜歡四肢全伸開鬆散地躺在大床上。I like to sprawl out in a big bed.
- 鬆散地或懶洋洋地垂著。hang loosely or laxly.