拼音:sòng hái英文解釋:
remand; return; take back【法】 remand
(1).歸還。《後漢書·黨錮傳·李膺》:“自 膺 到邊,皆望風懼服,先所掠男... >>查看“送還”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.reconveyance 2.reconvey 3.return 4.c.漢語造句:
- 別忘了,你一使用完梯子,就請送還給我。Don't forget, I want my ladder back the moment you have finished with it.
- 錢原封未動地被撿拾者送還。The money was returned intact by its finder.
- 警察宣布將偷竊的物品送還原主。Police announced the return of the stolen goods.
- 任何人只要送還那條項鍊就可得到一筆可觀的獎賞。Anyone returning the necklace will be handsomely rewarded for doing so.
- 用完送還。Hand it back when through.
- 10美元你能送還去那邊嗎?Can you take me there for under ten dollars?