字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>思維的的英文翻譯


拼音:sī wéi de


【醫】 phronetal


  1. (8)思維的簡縮性。
    (8)simplification and abridgement of thinking.
  2. 辭彙是思維的工具。
    Words are your tools of thought.
  3. 如何實現從執行者到企業家思維的轉變?
    How to transit from the executive to entrepreneur mindset?
  4. 這是創新性科學思維的基本特徵。
    This is a basic property of innovative scientific thinking
  5. 這是創新性科學思維的基本特徵。
    This is a basic property of innovative scientific thinking.
  6. 羅楫程式設計語言用編寫模仿人類思維的程式的程式語言
    A programming language used for writing programs that model human thinking
  7. 抽象或深刻思維的能力
    The ability to think abstractly or profoundly.
  8. 全部科學只不過是對日常思維的提煉。
    The whole science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking
