字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>絲網的英文翻譯


拼音:sī wǎng


silk screen
【計】 silk screen
【化】 wire mesh


(1).絲織的網。亦指棉、紗、麻等製成的網。《舊唐書·輿服志》:“金根車,朱質... >>查看“絲網”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 淺談片式電子元件生產絲網印刷系統的設計
    Approaches on The Designing of Screen Printing System for SMD Components
  2. 絲網組成的,網狀的,或有網的
    Consisting of, resembling, or having webs or a web
  3. 一隻麻雀給纏在網/鐵絲網里了。
    A sparrow became/ got entangled in the net/ wire
  4. 有刺鐵絲在一定間隔有刺的絞絲網
    Twisted strands of fence wire with barbs at regular intervals.
  5. 絲網印刷在膠靴商標中的套用
    The Application of Screen Printing on the Brand of Rubber Boots
  6. 他的毛衣在鐵絲網上鉤破了
    He snagged his sweater on the wire fence.
  7. 絲網擴散焊接簡易方法
    A simple DW Method for Copper wire Net
  8. 為偏見的絲網所纏繞
    ensnarl in the web of prejudice
