拼音:sǐ qiú英文解釋:
a criminal awaiting for execution【法】 mortis causa
等待執行死刑的囚犯 >>查看“死囚”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 把死囚在宣判24小時之後處決,比使他在恐懼深淵的邊緣顫抖將近3個星期要更為仁慈些。It was more merciful to launch the condemned man into twenty-four hours than to keep him shivering on the brink of that dread gulf for three week.
- 臨刑前死囚的看守人One who guards a condemned person before execution
- 死囚臨刑前住的監房。the part of a prison where those condemned to death await execution
- 死囚臨刑前住的監房。the part of a prison where those condemned to death await execution.