拼音:sǐ qián英文解釋:
【醫】 ante mortem相關對話:
- 那老人在死前還清了他的債務。The old man wiped off his debt before he died.
- (法律)在死前立有具有法律效力的遺囑。(law) having made a legally valid will before death
- 是神話,還是謊言——解讀蓋恩斯《死前一課》A Myth or a Lie——Analysis of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines
- 是神話,還是謊言?——解讀蓋恩斯《死前一課》A Myth or a Lie?——Analysis of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines
- 為有罪的犯人在臨死前作準備的牧師。a clergyman appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death.
- 臨死前的懺悔;臨終前的蒼白A deathbed confession; deathbed pallor