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拼音:sī pān


【醫】 span


  1. 這就引出了兩個很有意思的問題:艾倫·格林斯潘真的是神嗎?
    This raises two interesting questions: Is Alan Greenspan in fact a god
  2. 在18年的美聯儲主席任期結束時,格林斯潘的年收入為1801萬美元。
    The former Fed chief made $180,100 a year at the end of his 18-year tenure
  3. 小布希會晤格林斯潘
    Bush gets report on economy from Greenspan
  4. 這個經濟學家就是年輕時候的艾倫·格林斯潘。這番話是引自1959年三月的《財富》雜誌。
    The economist, a young Alan Greenspan, was quoted in the March 1959 FORTUNE
  5. 然而,格林斯潘日前在接受英國《金融時報》採訪時表示,浮沫“是泡沫的委婉說法”。
    However, Mr Greenspan told the FT that froth “was a euphemism for a bubble”
  6. 嘿,我覺得斯潘可以在這個聯盟的球隊首發。
    Heh I think V-Span needs to start in this league.
  7. 但是正如我們早已明確的,格林斯潘不是神。
    But Greenspan as we have already established -- is no god.
  8. (邦齊還沒有上場呢,霍華德和斯潘也一樣。)
    Bonzi did not even play. so did Howard and V-span.
