拼音:sǐ lǐ táo shēng 英文解釋:
barely escape one's life; escape with bare life; have a narrow escape中文解釋:
在極危險的處境下幸獲生路在你我死裡逃生之後 >>
查看“死裡逃生”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 迪斯尼與派拉蒙將合作拍攝以暢銷書《死裡逃生》為藍本的電影,描寫一支足球隊所乘飛機在安底斯山中墜毀為求生而奮鬥。
Disney and Paramount will team up to make a movie based on the best-selling book "Alive", about a rugby team's battle to survive a plane crash in the Andes Mountains.
- 海員們從狂風暴雨的大海中死裡逃生。
The sailors cheated death in the stormy seas.
- 他死裡逃生實在是奇蹟!
It's just a miracle that he survived the accident!
- 他不再有生命危險了,但那真是死裡逃生。
His life is no longer in danger, but it was a close shave
- 手術後他活下來了,但他自己也知道,這是死裡逃生。
He survived the operation, but it was a close thing, as he himself knows
- 他死裡逃生,為此感到慶幸。
He congratulated himself on having made a narrow escaps from death
- 昨天在公路上行駛時,我的車輪胎被戳破了,我真是死裡逃生,幸好我能控制住車直到停下。
keep the car in control until I could pull over and stop