拼音:sī kù英文解釋:
treasurer【經】 cashier; treasurer
(1).官名。《周官·夏官》有司甲, 魏 以後有庫部。 唐 初亦設庫部,後曾改... >>查看“司庫”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 司庫面臨盜竊的指控。The treasurer is facing a charge of theft.
- “因為他是這個學校的司庫和管事。”"Because he is treasurer and manager of the establishment."
- 司庫面臨盜竊的指控。The treasurer is facing a charge of theft
- 他的花銷得向司庫報賬。He has to account to the treasurer for the money he spends.
- 在學院或大學中的司庫。the treasurer at a college or university
- 公司決定任命一位新司庫。The company decided to appoint a new treasurer.
- 我們想請你擔任俱樂部的司庫.We want to put you up for club treasurer
- 只有司庫有權簽署支票。Only the treasurer has authority to sign cheques.