拼音:sì háng shī英文解釋:
- 老師要求我們背誦莎士比亞的這首十四行詩。Our teacher told us to recite this sonnet written by Shakespeare.
- 他說他能在任何場合馬上寫出一首十四行詩。He says he can knock off a sonnet on any occasion.
- 短長格五步格詩中的四行詩,韻式是abab。a quatrain in iambic pentameter with abab rhyme scheme
- 他舉出了莎士比亞的一首十四行詩。He cited a sonnet by Shakespeare
- 黎明時天空斑斕的色彩使他寫出了一首不朽的十四行詩。The mellow colour of the dawn sky caused him to write an inmmortal sonnet.
- 作曲家為一首十四行詩譜了曲。The composer set a sonnet to music