拼音:sì chù 英文解釋:
about; all around; all round; around; everywhere
(1) ∶到處;附近各處四處漫遊尋找各種可食的漿果(2) ∶向各個方向四處逃竄(... >>
查看“四處”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
allround 2.
allaround 3.
About... 4.
around 例句:
- 她光著腳四處走。
She goes about barefoot.
- 我一直在四處尋找它。
I have been seeking it all round.
- 他四處張望,要確定周圍沒人。
He looked around to confirm that he was alone.
- 他四處尋找,看看能找到些什麼。
He scouted around to see what he could find.
- 炮彈在四處爆炸。
Shells were bursting all around.
- 各種謠言正四處流傳。
All sorts of rumors are going around.
- 風吹得枯葉在四處迴旋。
The wind whirled the dead leaves about.
- 他四處望了一下,看不到什麼人。
He looked around but could see nobody.