department; manage; take charge of【經】 bureau
司 sī 主管,操作:司法。司機。司令。司南(古代用磁石做成的辨別方向的儀器,...>>查看“司”在國語字典中的解釋
- 他們試圖從他手中奪取對該公司的控制權。They tried to wrest control of the company from him.
- 他的公司在這筆交易中失敗了。His firm lost out on the deal.
- 司機每時每刻都必須十分留神。A driver has got to keep his best eye peeled every minute.
- 本課題是在摩托羅拉公司BAT3廠完成。My thesis was performed in BAT3 of Motorola (China) Electronics Limited.
- 上司對我們並不完全坦誠。The boss is not completely straight with us.
- 他不向租戶索取過高的租金來維持公司的開支。He racked no rents to maintain the expenses of his establishment.
- 謝謝你告訴我那家公司信譽不好的情況。Thank you for informing me of the bad credit of the company.
- 在貴公司工作能發揮我最大的能力。Working in this company can give me the chance to exert all my strengths.