拼音:shū shāng英文解釋:
- 他父親資助他做了書商。His father set him up as a bookseller.
- 我要同秘書商量一下再簽署這些檔案。I want to check with my secretary before I sign the documents.
- 他父親資助他做了書商。His father set him up as a bookseller
- 珍本書商A dealer in rare books
- 圖書商品周轉率rate of commodity turnover for books
- 她已創業成為書商She has set up in business as a bookseller
- 所有的書商都出售這種書。This kind of books is sold by all booksellers.
- 買賣剩餘圖書的書商A remainder merchant