拼音:shù lì英文解釋:
set upright; stand; stand up【醫】 erection
長形物體垂直地立在地上場地上豎立著標桿紀念塔豎立在廣場上中間豎起一面小黑板,我就... >>查看“豎立”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.upend 2.erect 3.erection 4.standonend中英例句:
- 直立的,豎立的Standing erect or upright.
- 你能把一枚硬幣豎立起來嗎?Can you stand a coin up on its edge?
- 他們已豎立了那幢房屋的骨架並蓋上了屋頂。They have finished laying up the house, and have put on the roof.
- 豎立一座紀念碑erect a monument
- 我們站在曼梯·里家人為他豎立的石碑旁。We stood at the stone the family had placed for ML.
- 樓梯或台階的豎立的部分。the vertical part of a stair or step.
- 在那兒的前院豎立著一座紀念碑——一隻巨大的蛋,正是它賦予了羅森靈感。It is a giant egg