拼音:shuǐ zhēng qì英文解釋:
reek; water vapour相關詞條:
1.steam 2.aqueousvapour 3.watervapor 4.aqueousvapor例句:
- 水被加熱時,可以變成水蒸汽。Water can be changed into vapor when heated.
- 水蒸汽觸及冷的表面即凝結成水。Steam is condensed to water when it touches a cold surface.
- 洗澡,沐浴在水或水蒸汽里浸泡或洗淨身體The act of soaking or cleansing the body, as in water or steam.
- 水受熱變成水蒸汽。Heat evaporates water into steam.
- 雲是由水蒸汽凝縮而成的。A cloud is a condensation of water vapour.