拼音:shuǐ liú 英文解釋:
current; flow; rivers; stream
(1) ∶泛指江、河湖泊星羅棋布,水流縱橫交錯(2) ∶水的流動(3) ∶流動著... >>
查看“水流”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
millrace 2.
flow(path) 3.
flumen 4.
waterflow 5.
watercurrent 6.
streamcurrent 7.
waterstream 8.
watercourse 9.
waterflow 相關對話:
- 用泵抽了幾下之後,水流出來了。
After several pumps, the water began to flow.
- 我們順流而下時,水流更急了。
The current strengthened as we moved down the river.
- 她必須逆著水流往上游。
She had to swim against the current.
- 險急的水流能把游泳的人吞沒。
Dangerous currents can suck swimmers under.
- 水流沖著原木沿河而下。
The current swept the logs down the river.
- 河中央的水流最急。
The current is strongest in the middle of the river.