拼音:shuì fǎ 英文解釋:
【經】 law of tax; tax law中文解釋:
稅收法規 >>
查看“稅法”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 現行的稅法沒有一條是沒人反對的
There never is a tax law presented but someone will oppose it
- 他們提出了新稅法,力求重新贏得人心。
They brought in new tax laws in a bid to restore their popularity.
- 第二,改變稅法。
Second, tear up the tax code.
- 新稅法正給窮人帶來許多困難。
The new tax laws are causing the poor a lot of hardship.
- 只造成更多疑問的新稅法
A new tax code that only further confuses
- 闡明新稅法的複雜性
Expounded the intricacies of the new tax law.
- 他們在外國開設了一個辦事處, 以避開稅法。
They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.
- 改變所得稅法的訊息傳來,各種東西突然漲價了。
Prices were bumped up by news of changes in the income tax laws.