拼音:shù é英文解釋:
amount【法】 amount
(1) ∶規定的數目(2) ∶指一定的數量數額巨大超過了規定的數額 >>查看“數額”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 籌集的資金沒達到所需的數額。The money collected fell short of the amount required.
- 向她索取的比帳單上顯示的數額多出4英鎊。She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill.
- 超額量超過正常或所需或數額的數量;盈餘An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus.
- 在一個未定的結果上下注或賭一定數額的財產。stake money on the outcome of an issue.
- 我們每季度交回一數額的電費。We pay a flat is flat rate for electric it each quarter
- 作為對某事補償,給折或額外增加數額To give a discount for or to add an extra sum to cover something
- 要求一筆大數額的匯款。A remittance of a large sum is required
- 我們每季度交回一數額的電費。We pay a flat is flat rate for electric it each quarter.