拼音:shù dài英文解釋:
loincloth【醫】 belt
(1) ∶腰帶一類的帶子(2) ∶指整飾衣冠束帶立於朝 >>查看“束帶”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 由厚布做成的又松又長的外衣;通常有束帶。loose long overcoat of heavy fabric; usually belted.
- 用系帶綁緊用系束帶固定或束縛,尤指婦女穿的緊身胸衣To restrain or constrict by tightening laces, especially of a corset.
- 鬆開;取下把…上的束帶鬆開取下;從…上把束帶鬆開或取下To loosen or remove a strap on or from.
- 厚底靴希臘和羅馬悲劇演員所穿的束帶子的厚底半高統靴A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies.
- 用系帶綁緊用系束帶固定或束縛,尤指婦女穿的緊身胸衣To restrain or constrict by tightening laces, especially of a corset
- 厚底靴希臘和羅馬悲劇演員所穿的束帶子的厚底半高統靴A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies
- 鬆開;取下把…上的束帶鬆開取下;從…上把束帶鬆開或取下To loosen or remove a strap on or from