拼音:shōu zhī英文解釋:
income and expenses【經】 expenses and receipts; incoming and outgoings
receipts and disbursements; revenue snd expenditure
指財物的收入與支出 收支平衡 >>查看“收支”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.revenueandexpenditure 2.incomeandexpenses 3.expensesandreceipts中英例句:
- 公司的帳目收支不平衡。The company accounts did not balance.
- 如果他們拒絕收支票,我們將不得不付現金。If they refuse to accept a cheese we'll have to pay cash.
- 這家公司的帳目收支是否平衡?Do the firm's accounts balance?
- 國際收支差額指的是向該國流入和從該國流出的貨幣量之間的差異。Balance of payments refers to the flow of money into or out of a country.
- 使收支平衡,策劃預算使收支相當。To plan a budget so that expenditure and income is equal
- 艱難地奮鬥以使收支相抵Struggling uphill to make ends meet.
- 信貸收支平衡balance of credit
- 你應該使賬目收支相抵。You should even up accounts.