拼音:shòu yùn英文解釋:
become pregnant【醫】 androlepsis; conceive; conception; fecundation; impregnation
ingravidation; syllepsis
懷孕 >>查看“受孕”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 它道破了玫瑰般肌膚與受孕子宮的秘密。)It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb.
- 可以受孕的Capable of being impregnated.
- 一個通過人工受孕而出生的嬰兒。a baby conceived by artificial insemination
- 排卵期的前後2天最輕易受孕!The around of oviposit period 2 days of the easiest conception!
- 影響人工授精母狐受孕率的因素Factors of Effect Artifical Fertilization of Fox Conceive Rate