拼音:shòu xíng英文解釋:
be tortured中文解釋:
受到拷打、折磨 >>查看“受刑”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 眉飛色舞地看著無辜者受刑的法西斯匪徒們。Fascists gloating over the torture of their victims
- 痛苦、有所損失或者遭受刑罰。having had pain or loss or suffering inflicted.
- 必須有個神甫在那受刑的人臨終時幫助他。A priest was needed to attend the criminal in his last moments.
- 在受刑前,薩達姆被允許獲得半小時的時間,來冥思、回顧自己的一生。Saddam was left for about half an hour to contemplate his fate.
- 必須有個神甫在那受刑的人臨終時幫助他。A priest was needed to attend the criminal in his last moments