拼音:shōu róng suǒ英文解釋:
asylum; hospice【法】 asylum; house of detention; safe retreat
收留生活無著或處境困難者的機構。 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第四章四:“這個劇團是在‘八... >>查看“收容所”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 教堂,學校,醫院,收容所或監獄皆屬公共機構。A church, school, hospital, asylum, or prison is an institution.
- 當保羅是個小男孩時,他住在一所收容所的閣樓里。When Paul was a little boy, he lived in the attic of an asylum .
- 收容所,養老院一種慈善機構,例如孤兒院或老年收容所A charitable institution, such as an orphanage or a home for the elderly.
- 當保羅是個小男孩時,他住在一所收容所的閣樓里。When Paul was a little boy, he lived in the attic of an asylum
- 她被安置在哪家兒童收容所里,就從哪兒偷偷逃跑。She absconded from every children’s home they placed her in.
- 在我請求兩天之後媽媽帶我去了收容所。My mother brought me to the hospice two days after my request.