字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>受累的英文翻譯 “受累”的日文翻譯


拼音:shòu lěi


be put into trouble


(1) ∶受到牽連不過,人民究竟是受累的,因為物價由於遊客的要求而被抬高(2) ... >>查看“受累”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 受累把圍裙給我繫上行嗎?
    Could you tie this apron round me?
  2. 此例有骨的局灶性病灶,接近受累淋巴結。
    This is an example of focal bone disease near involved lymph nodes.
  3. 使人受累,打擾某人
    Inflict oneself upon sb.
  4. 裝出無辜受累的樣子
    assume an air of injured innocence
  5. 叫您受累了, 真不過意。
    I'm terribly sorry to have given you such a lot of trouble
  6. 她裝出一副無辜受累的樣子。
    She assumed an air of injured innocence.
  7. 叫您受累了, 真不過意。
    I'm terribly sorry to have given you such a lot of trouble.
  8. 父母親日日夜夜地為我們操心受累
    Our parents are worrying about us day and night.
