拼音:shǒu jūn英文解釋:
defending troops中文解釋:
執行守備任務的軍隊敵方守軍約五千餘人 >>查看“守軍”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 如果守軍向敵人鳴鼓要求談判,則意味著快投降了。The garrison that sounds a parley is not far from being surrendered
- 根據情報,德國守軍只有一個營。According to intelligence, there was only one German battalion.
- 守軍經過奮戰仍然控制著城市。After hard fighting,the defenders were still masters of the city.
- 侵略軍在守軍投降後仍將多人屠殺了。The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.
- 非常嚴格遵守軍紀的上尉a captain who is very gi
- 這個被困城市的守軍寧死也不投降。The defenders of the besieged city would rather die than surrender.