拼音:shōu jù英文翻譯
receipt【經】 documentary evidence; quittance; receipt; receipt note; voucher
1.voucher 2.release 3.acknowledgementofacceptance 4.acknowledgementofreceipt 5.chalan 6.scrip 7.quitt 8.receiptofposting例句:
- 顧客如能出示收據,我們才能予以退貨。We only take goods back if customers can produce the receipt.
- 你把這收據上面的原件收下,我們保留下面的複寫件。You receive the top copy of the receipt, and we keep the carbon.
- 請寄給我一張收到此款的收據。Please send me a receipt for the money.
- 我可以要一張收據嗎?May I have a receipt?