拼音:shòu hài 英文解釋:
fall victim; suffer injury
(1) ∶遭受損害受害不淺(2) ∶被殺害不幸受害 >>
查看“受害”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 他沒有受害。
He came to no harm.
- 看起來,你是入室盜竊的受害者。
It looks like you are the victim of a break-in
- 他們都是這場颶風的不幸受害者。
All of them were hapless victims of this hurricane.
- 當局給水災受害者發食物。
The authorities issued food to the flood victims .
- 把受害人從HF煙霧源轉移走。
Remove victim from source of HF fumes.
- 成為犯罪組織的受害者。
Become the victim of organized crime.
- 於是我把自己受害經過到處去講,人們說這樣做有好處。”
I speak about the attack a lot and they say this is good”
- 政府給事故中受害家庭援助。
The govemment dispensed help to the families involved in the accident.