拼音:shì zhǐ英文解釋:
test paper【化】 indicator paper; test paper
【醫】 test paper
(1).即試卷。《舊唐書·苗晉卿傳》:“ 玄宗 大集登科人,御 花蕚樓 親試,... >>查看“試紙”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.indicatorpaper 2.reagentpaper相關對話:
- 石蕊試紙可用以測試溶液是否含酸。Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution.
- 式樣樣張用來檢查或校正的列印材料的測試紙張A trial sheet of printed material that is made to be checked and corrected
- 試紙法在環境監測等方面的套用簡介Applications and advances of test papers in environmental monitoring
- 石蕊試紙遇酸度會變紅.Litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid.
- 式樣樣張用來檢查或校正的列印材料的測試紙張A trial sheet of printed material that is made to be checked and corrected.
- HBsAg/TP聯合全血金標試紙條在無償獻血篩查中的套用Evaluation of TP/HBsAg Combo Test Strip Used for Blood Donor Screen