拼音:shì zhèng tīng英文解釋:
city hall; town hall【法】 city hall
1.ayuntamiento 2.gildhall相關對話:
- "共和黨員們在市政廳搞了一場惡作劇。" "是嗎?""The Republicans have pulled a trick at City Hall." "Is that so?"
- 選舉的詳情將貼在市政廳外。Details of the election will be posted outside the town hall.
- 這些餐具平時都被鎖在市政廳的保險箱裡,一年就用一次。These utensils have been locked in the normally safe city hall, with a year
- “共和黨員們在市政廳搞了一場惡作劇。”“是嗎?”"The Republicans have pulled a trick at City Hall." "Is that so?"
- 那個新建的賓戈娛樂廳屹立在舊市政廳的正前方。The new bingo hall stands four-square to the old town hall.
- 恐怖分子從汽車裡向市政廳扔了一枚炸彈。The terrorist hurled a bomb at the city hall from his car
- 搭巴士到市政廳要多久?How long does it take to get to City hall by bus?