拼音:shī yǔ zhèng英文解釋:
aphasia【法】 agraphia
大腦言語中樞病變引起的言語功能的障礙。表現為不能說話,說話有錯句、錯音或自己雖有... >>查看“失語症”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 失語症病人皮層語言活動的功能MRI初步研究Cortical language activation in aphasia: a functional MRI study
- 兒童失語症6例分析Analysis on 6 Cases of Aphasia in Children
- 計算機測定失語症語速的相關分析Correlative Analysis of Computer-Aided Measuring Language Speed of Aphasia
- 腦血管病失語症與CT、SPECT定位的相關研究The correlation between the cerebral vessels aphasia and CT or SPECT scan
- 維吾爾語和漢語雙語失語症的臨床研究Clinical Study on Aphasia for Uighur and Chinese
- 漢語失語症研究綜述A comprehensive review of the researches on Chinese aphasia
- 神經語言學:對失語症中語言與腦關係的綜觀(上)Neurolinguistics: an overview of language-brain relations in aphasia
- 粵語失語症的評價與語言治療初探A preliminary study on assessment and training in Cantonese apha sia