字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>使用說明的英文翻譯


拼音:shǐ yòng shuō míng


【化】 direction for use


  1. 盒子上的使用說明含混不清。
    The instructions on the box are very confusing.
  2. 沒有使用說明的藥物。
    a drug that is sold without a prescription
  3. 這個工具附有使用說明書。
    The written directions are attached to the tool.
  4. 使用說明中提到必須要存放在冰櫃中嗎?
    Do the directions say it has to be stored in the refrigerator?
  5. 使用說明書,使用方法做某事或發現某物的指示或說明書
    An instruction or series of instructions for doing or finding something.
  6. 你有確實照著使用說明做嗎?
    A: Did you follow the instructions exactly
  7. 請將使用說明書給我看一下。
    May I see the specifications?
