拼音:shī yè英文解釋:
idleness; in dry dock; on the wallaby track; unemployment【經】 lose employment; out of employment; out of work; unemployment
(1) ∶能夠工作的人找不到工作大批工人失業,等待救濟(2) ∶失去職位 >>查看“失業”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.getnotice 2.indrydock 3.loseemployment 4.onthewallabytrack 5.outofwork(operation) 6.outofemploy 7.unempolyment 8.out 9.beoutofajob 10.outofajob 11.workless 12.jobless 13.beoutofjob 14.outofbread 15.goonthebum 16.outofbusiness漢語造句:
- 政府聲稱對失業表示關注純屬做做姿態。The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.
- 降低失業率應是頭等大事。The reduction of unemployment should be paramount.
- 不斷增加的失業引起了社會騷亂。The increasing unemployment caused social unrest.
- 一些經濟學家對失業率達到前所未有的程度表示憂慮。Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment.
- 因為失業嚴重,求職的競爭十分激烈。Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce.
- 在美國存在長期失業問題。There is a chronic unemployment problem in America.
- 你有資格領取失業救濟金嗎?Are you entitled to unemployment benefit?
- 失業的幽靈在這個國家作祟。The specter of unemployment hunted the country.