拼音:shí wù de英文解釋:
alimental; alimentary【醫】 cibarian
- 需要食物的話,冰櫃里就有。There's always the food in the freezer if need be.
- 餐具用於裝食物的餐具,如玻璃、塑膠或瓷器Dishes, as of glass, plastic, or china, used in serving food.
- 作為食物的動物(包括魚、鳥和蝸牛)的肉。the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as food.
- 儲備一些必需品尤其是食物的儲備A stock of necessary supplies, especially food.
- 用來提供食物的大的淺的碟子。a large shallow dish used for serving food
- 我覺得我們需要一個盛食物的籃子。I think we need a basket.