拼音:shì wù de 英文解釋:
clerical; businesslike; matter-of-fact中英例句:
- 政府裡面處理與公共土地有關的事務的地方。
a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
- 六、海洋事務的國際合作
VI. International Cooperation in Maritime Affairs
- 管理商業事務的職位。
the position of a director of a business concern
- 對付社會事務的政策。
a policy of for dealing with social issues
- 郵政局女局長負責地方郵局事務的女局長
A woman who is in charge of the operations of a local post office.
- 家政,家務家庭事務的執行與管理
Performance or management of household tasks.
- 不必管理教會或牧師事務的差事。
a benefice to which no spiritual or pastoral duties are attached.
- 以書面形式記錄某事務的活動。
the activity of putting something in written form.