拼音:shì qián英文解釋:
beforehand; in advance【法】 ex ante
事情發生之前,也指事情處理、了結之前事前跟人商量 >>查看“事前”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 事前一切都安排好了。It had all been arranged beforehand.
- 他們事前已得到將有暴風雨的訊息。They have got advance information of the storm's approach.
- 我苦苦追憶著出事前見到的一切。I tried hard to recollect what I saw just before the accident.
- 壕溝內壁防禦工事前的陡峭的斜坡A steep slope in front of a fortification
- 在防禦工事前面建的一個很陡峭的斜坡。a steep artificial slope in front of a fortification.
- 事前無準備而根據情況採取行動;臨時現做Act without preparation according to the demands of a situation; improvise
- 事前周密的籌劃,可以防止惹麻煩。Thorough planning goes a long way to prevent one from getting into trouble
- 事情真的在向我希望的方向進行,我的事前準備好像在發生作用。Things are really going my way. It looks like my spadework is working.