拼音:shí pò 英文解釋:
get behind; see through中文解釋:
看穿;看破識破他的偽裝,並揭發他的真面目 >>
查看“識破”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
getbehind 2.
see...through 3.
haveaninsightinto 4.
gainaninsightinto 相關對話:
- 每次我試圖捉弄他,他都識破了我的把戲。
Each time I try to fool him, he looks through me/my tricks.
- 孩子們識破了傑克喜歡吃泡泡糖的秘密。
The boys got wise to Jack's fondness for bubble gum.
- 這使我們得以識破他們的詭計。
This enabled us to see through their subtle scheme.
- 一旦他們識破他的間諜身分,他的處境就變得十分危險。
When they discovered he was a spy, he became a marked man
- 沒有幾個人識破我的偽裝。
Not many people managed to penetrate my disguise.
- 我不久就識破了那秘密。
I soon penetrated the my stery.
- 只有識破敵人的偽裝才能打敗敵人。
under the guise of friendship he betrayed them.