拼音:shī piān 英文解釋:
inspiring story; peom; psalm; Psalter
(1) ∶詩的總稱這些詩篇充滿了革命激情(2) ∶比喻類似史詩的事物我們時代的壯... >>
查看“詩篇”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
verse 2.
Psalter 3.
psalmbook 4.
psalm 5.
vv 中英例句:
- 美國作家昨天團結一致支持《撒旦詩篇》的作者拉什迪,計畫明天至少舉行兩起示威,並要求布希總統採取行動。
American writers closed ranks yesterday behind Satanic Verses' author Salman Rushdie, with at least two demonstrations planned for tomorrow and called for President Bush to take action.
- 詩篇以詩歌而非散文形式的文章
A composition in verse rather than in prose.
- 唱詩班唱《舊約·詩篇》之第23篇。
The choir sang the 23rd Psalm.
- 詩歌被視為一個文學分支的詩篇
Poems regarded as forming a division of literature
- 詩篇第一百二十一篇(上行之詩。)
Psalm 121:1-8 (A song of ascents.
- 用大量象徵手法表現宗教色彩的詩篇
Poetry full of religious symbolism
- 這是一首向讀者充分地表達出詩人思想感情的詩篇。
This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the reader what the poet feels
- 《歡樂頌》為《歡樂頌》詩篇所譜寫的樂曲
A musical setting of the Jubilate