拼音:shì jūn lì dí英文解釋:
a Roland for an Oliver; all square; counterbalancematch each other in strength; nip and tuck
雙方勢力相當,不分高下 呂惠卿始諂事 王安石…及勢鈞力敵,則傾陷 ... >>查看“勢均力敵”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 不同的爭論(彼此)勢均力敵。These arguments cancel (each other) out.
- 這真是一場勢均力敵的比賽。This is a really a close game
- 不,這雖是一場勢均力敵的比賽,但你獲勝是應該的。No though it was a close match, you deserved to win
- 賽跑勢均力敵,直到終點線才見分曉。It was a nip and tuck race right to the finish line
- 一場勢均力敵的比賽a close contest
- 不,這雖是一場勢均力敵的比賽,但你獲勝是應該是。No it was a close match, but you deserved to win