拼音:shì jiān de英文解釋:
- 她希望得到人世間的榮譽。She had a mind for worldly honor.
- 試圖以世間的成功來判斷幸福是錯誤的。It is wrong to try to judge happiness in term of worldly success.
- 她對世間的事物很漠然,最後進入修道院。She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery.
- 我們死後就喪失了所有世間的財產。When dead, we lose all our worldly possessions.
- 世間的萬物都在悠閒中過日子,只有人類為生活而工作著。All nature loafs, while man alone works for a living
- 當時的人們普遍認為,人的靈魂是生命在世間的縮影。Life after death was conceived as a microcosm of life on earth.
- 她希望得到人世間的榮譽。She had a mind for worldly honor