拼音:shí jì 英文解釋:
【醫】 timer中文解釋:
鐘錶。 許地山 《命命鳥》:“﹝她﹞不歇地抬頭去瞧壁上的時計,好像等什麼人來似的... >>
查看“時計”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
chronometer(clock) 2.
timepiece 3.
clock(CLK) 4.
timer 例句:
- 我是自由職業者,按小時計酬。
I work free-lance and am paid by the hour.
- 這個工廠工人按小時計酬,職員按月領薪。
The workers in the factory are paid by the hour and the clerical staff are paid a monthly salary.
- 當任何一個輸入線路激活時計算機就能激活的線路。
a circuit in a computer that fires when any of its inputs fire.
- 結果表明 ,該方法對複雜目標雷射雷達散射截面的計算速度基本達到了實時計算要求 .
The computing speed meets the requirement for r eal time computation.
- 深沉而緩慢地呼吸,並在每次呼出時計數。
Breath slowly and deeply and count each breath, at the end of each exhale.
- 我的工資以小時計算。
My pay is on an hourly basis.
- 我在他的公司工作時,每天是按時計算的。
When I worked in his company, I punched a dock every day.