字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>事後的英文翻譯 “事後”的日文翻譯


拼音:shì hòu


after the event; afterwards
【法】 after the fact; ex post; post factum


事情發生或處理、了結以後。 明 謝肇淛 《五雜俎·地部二》:“夫既不能修善於... >>查看“事後”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 事後才明白我完全冤枉了他。
    I now know with hindsight that I did him a terrible wrong.
  2. 我藉助事後的認識才得以做出判斷。
    I am able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight
  3. 事後的所有跡象向我們表明,1990年的世界盃半決賽上演過一場壯烈的犧牲。
    Hindsight shows us the 1990 World Cup Semi-Final was a heroic defeat.
  4. 蘇格蘭人總是事後聰明。
    A Scotsman is always wise behind the hand
  5. 事後,他們迅速把她送到急救室搶救。
    They rushed her to casualty after the accident.
  6. 如果您事後需要清洗,請用這個房間。
    If you need to wash up afterwards, please use this room.
  7. 自從出事後他一直行動不便。
    He has not been so mobile since his accident.
  8. 我們是秘密結婚的,事後才告訴父母。
    We got married secretly and then presented our parents with a fait accompli
