拼音:shì hé英文解釋:
fit; suit; agree with; comport; conformity; congruence【醫】 fit
符合;合宜乾燥的氣候對病人是適合的這顏色不適合她 >>查看“適合”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.befit 2.fit...into 3.suitability 4.adapt...to 5.idoneity 6.congruency 7.agreewith 8.gearwith 9.fit 10.fitinwith 11.suitablefor 12.fadge 13.hitoff 14.becoming 15.fitness 16.becomingto例句:
- 她做護士很不順心,但當管理人員似乎倒很適合。As a nurse she got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit her.
- 洋蔥不適合我的胃口。Onion does not agree with me.
- 這件衣服不適合我。This dress doesn't fit me.
- 他很適合這個職位。He will just fit the post.
- 我穿藍色衣服非常適合。Blue is a very becoming color on me.
- 請用適合該場合的言詞。Please use words suitable to this occasion.
- 她適合做這項工作。She is suitable for the job.
- 這本書簡單易懂,適合兒童。The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children.