字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>侍奉的英文翻譯 “侍奉”的日文翻譯


拼音:shì fèng


serve; wait upon


侍候奉養(長輩或顯貴)侍奉長輩 >>查看“侍奉”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 當洛奇到醫院探訪查理時,看到妙芬正在侍奉湯藥,黯然神傷。
    In the hospital, Rocky leaves when he sees Mildred taking care of Charlie.
  2. 殷勤侍奉
    wait on sb. hand and foot
  3. 侍奉諸位伯叔舅父,如同侍奉自己的父親一樣恭敬。
    We should serve all our uncles as respectfully as we serve our own fathers.
  4. 我從出生到現在一直侍奉著他。
    I serve him from the hour of my nativity to this instant.
  5. 侍奉病人
    attend to patients
  6. 1533年建立了一幢教堂,用來侍奉瓜達盧佩的聖母。
    A church was built in 1533, dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe
  7. 1533年建立了一幢教堂,用來侍奉瓜達盧佩的聖母。
    A church was built in 1533, dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
  8. 沒有人可侍奉的話,就別瞎跪著,醒悟點,行動起來。
    If there is not one to serve, then do not kneel idly.
